Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tattoo Watercolour Uk

Regularly updated gallery of abstract, watercolour and graphic tattoos by matt hunt, co-owner of modern body art tattoo studio in birmingham. regularly updated gallery of abstract, watercolour and graphic tattoos by matt hunt, co-owner of modern body art tattoo studio in birmingham. email: info@modernbodyart.co.uk. instagram. follow us on. Watercolor tattoos can and should use high contrast and a black base. that way if some of the colors begin to fade, there is still a skeleton to the piece and it will still read well as it ages. 6 /. Below are all the artists who are currently working the great british tattoo show this year. more are being added on a daily basis, so check back for more. a huge thanks to you all for coming out and supporting the show, you rock